I am assuming if you read this blog, you think my children are at least somewhat adorable. So you guys are just going to have to let me be a mom and share some of the hilarous conversations that Evan has been having lately. This kid cracks me up!!
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Today, we were at the vet for Dexter's shots and the nurse (is that what they are called in the pet world??) asked if Evan had a baby sister. He just looked at her and said "No, Mom had it."
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"Mmmm, sure is tasty" when drinking his daily chocolate milk.
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We were at my parent's house and Evan was cleaning the kitchen floor with the Swiffer and used all of the cleaning fluid. He then announced he needed to buy more. So I asked him if he had any money. He said, "No, but Nana does." This kid is smart.
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"Mom, are you happy? I berry happy!"
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At my parent's house, he was riding his tricycle through the house. Dad stepped outside and as Evan noticed he was gone, he announced "I lost Pa!"
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As Libby was crying today, he starts running towards her yelling, "I'm right here, Libby. I. am. right. here."
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Watching cartoons this morning, an advertisement came on for a new "Cars" toy. Evan says, "You need to go to the store and buy that. Mommy, not Santa Claus."
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"God bless you, Mom"