We are officially Bartians! That is correct...Bartians, rhymes with Martians. That is what people who dwell in Bartlesville are called. If I had known this before we had moved, I would have had some serious reservations.
And in typical Matt and Stephanie style, we picked the worst weekend to move. We were hauling boxes and furniture in sleet and snow and we literally would have to skate across the yard, trying to load everything up. Not an ideal situation. However, we do have heat and electricity while many of my family and friends do not so I won't complain. My mom, dad and brother all came up and helped which was beyond nice considering the circumstances. I am really a lucky gal to have such a great family!
Everyone seems to be adjusting to the move okay. Evan is trying to pull all nighters but other than that, he seems to really love it here. Dexter wouldn't eat the first two nights but he is doing fine now. As for myself, I cried like a baby when I first drove off, but I honestly love our new house and it already feels like home. It just goes to show that home is where your loved ones are!
A Letter for My Mom
11 months ago
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