AquaPoppy Designs

30 July 2010


I know Evan is just being a goof in these pictures...trying to fit into little sister's blanket. But it really was the most bittersweet thing to see. It wasn't so long ago that he could fit into that blanket and even had a bit of room to spare. But today, even more than just realizing my little boy is growing up, you could see that he could tell he is growing up. And you can tell he is not quite sure how he feels about it.

The desire to be independent is there but the reluctance to get too far from Mom is still very strong. He tries so hard to be a brave big brother but you also see some jealousy creep up. He acts like a complete know-it-all, so wise in the ways of the world, but then you catch a glimpse of his uncertainty and his hope for reassurance. He goes from being frustrated that he isn't big enough to feeling even more frustrated that he is too big.

I know everyone is probably tired of hearing me say it...but I can not believe he starts Pre-K in just a few short weeks. Up until this point, my sole job was to keep Evan near and keep him safe. But I have always known that the bigger task was to teach him to grow up and get him ready for all those times that I won't be near.

I just can't believe I am already having to tackle that bigger job...

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