AquaPoppy Designs

30 May 2009

Poor, Poor Libby!

This poor girl has had a pretty tough time lately. I know she looks pretty happy, but in this picture, she has a low grade fever and unfortunately went downhill for the little one from there. She woke up last Monday with a fever of 99. This has been kind of common for her since she is teething so I didn't think much of it. I knew she didn't feel good though and we were just cuddling her and loading her up on Tylenol. However, the fever kept creeping up through the day. When she woke up from her nap, it was 103 and by the time I drove her to Tulsa to go to Urgent Care, it was almost 105!!!

The first thing they did was try to administer Motrin, which she promptly threw up all over me (for those of you counting, this is, in fact, the ninth time I have been yakked on in public!). After administering an enema of Tylenol, they did some x-rays but couldn't find anything. Her ear was a little red but not really enough to be considered infected. They gave her some amoxicillin and sent us back home.

However, the next day we had to go back to our pediatrician because her fever kept spiking. Blood work (which it never dawned on me that they should have done this at the Urgent Care) showed that her white blood cell count was almost 25,000. It should be right at 10,000!! Obviously, she didn't respond to the amoxicillin at all. A strong injection of antibiotics followed up by an oral dose, confinment from the outside world and a few more blood tests...I think Baby Libby is finally feeling better.

It is so frustrating to not know what caused her to feel so bad, and if you know me, then you know I WANT answers!! But now, Matt and I are just feeling very blessed that she is better and back to her sassy self!

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