AquaPoppy Designs

08 May 2009


Today, both of the kiddo's had their check ups. Poor Evan knew what was coming but he was such a trooper and just kept telling Libby that they would both be ok.

I could not believe Evan had grown almost six inches in the last year. I mean, I know he is tall. But half of a ruler??!! Wow!

Anyway, at three years old, this little man is now 41.5 inches tall (99% for his age!!) and weighs 33 lbs(40%). I think someone is going to be tall and skinny just like his dad!

And Miss Libby is nine months old. She is crawling EVERYWHERE!!! She is waving like the reigning Miss America. And she is saying "bye bye" and "dada" all the time. It is just amazing to me to see her doing all of this because she still seems so small. And compared to Evan at the same age, well, she is pretty tiny. Let's take a look...

Here is Libby at nine months...

She is is 28" (75%) and she weighs 17 lbs and 13.5 oz (10%). And this girl is up three lbs in the last six weeks!!!

Here is Evan at nine months...

Evan was a whooping 30.5" (97%) and weighed 22 lbs and 12 oz (75%).

Other than their size (and their temperaments), I think they look so similar at this age.

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