Happy (late) Birthday to my wonderful hubby!!! This is the post I feel so bad about...I hate that it is so late. I had this big wonderful post thought up and then I just ran out of time. Oh well...I can't get him to read this blog anyway!
For his birthday, I wanted to get him a cake and some balloons to drop off at his work. I had wanted to pick up a cake from our favorite bakery in Tulsa but that would have ruined the surprise, so I settled for a grocery store cake (which wasn't bad, but definitely no Merritt's!).
It was a rainy morning so Evan and I hung around the house until 10:30 am and then headed off. It was bright and sunny when we walked into WalMart. However, after picking up the cake, plates, napkins, balloons and birthday cards and checking out, I noticed a huge mob at the front doors. It was pouring! Raining so hard...you couldn't see any of the cars. Since it was already 11 am, I decided we would just eat lunch at the McDonald's (even though we had planned to eat with Matt). An hour later, it was still a torrential downpour. Evan was completely antsy and I was too so we just made a run for it, with Evan yelling the entire way "Yucky rain!!"
Needless to say, when we got to the car, we were both soaked to skin and the balloons were destroyed. And as soon as I got us both in the car and the heater cranked up...the rain turned into a sprinkle. I could not believe it.
But Matt (and all of his patients) got a huge laugh at the site of Evan and I, looking like drowned river rats. So even though things didn't turn out exactly as I had planned, I think Matt enjoyed the modified surprise even more!
Later that evening, my parents came up and we went out to Montana Mike's for dinner...which was our first visit there and it was delicious.
So happy birthday to the most wonderful husband and dad in the world...we LOVE you!