The Saturday after Evan's birthday, we had his first birthday party that was just about his friends. We headed to the Radisson hotel to celebrate at their indoor splash pad. So much fun was to be had, I completely forgot to take pictures. Grrr!
After the swimming, we headed upstairs for pizza and cake. It was so fun to see all of the little ones partying it up!
The Birthday Boy with Ethan and Andrew:
And here is Cody or, as Evan likes to call him, Cody the Cowboy:
And Libby, trying to steal the show in her little one-piece:
Evan's BEST friend, Andrew:
Maddie...Isn't she just beautiful? Looks just like her momma:
OK...I absolutely hate this but this is one of Evan's friend. The problem is that he has an identical twin. Identical. We have been at Good Shepherd with them from almost the beginning but I still can't tell them apart. So this is either Aiden or Neil:
And here is the other one:
And last, but not least, Brant:
It was such a fun afternoon and it was just fascinating to watch these these guys interact and see that they have really formed friendships. I hate it because next fall, some of the kids are moving on to new schools and a few will be staying at Good Shepherd. Evan and Richard are the only two headed to St. John's. We are thrilled we get to see Richard every day! And I am hoping that we will keep lasting friendships with the rest of the boys. They are all great kids and I love that I can call their moms my friends!