AquaPoppy Designs

09 November 2009

Another Day At The Park

We go to the park. We go to the park ALL. THE. TIME. There isn't a ton to do here in Bartlesville and it is really easy to swing by after picking up the kids from preschool. However, today was a little different. It was the first day Libby seemed to love being there. We were the only ones there so that may have been the difference. But it was fun to see her so excited and exploring. And it was great to see Evan really taking on the big brother role and showing her the ropes.

I tell you I am so, so sad this is our last year of {almost} complete freedom. Next year, my little guy will be in pre-K and will have school every morning. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.

And one of the reasons I am just heartbroken is that I may not capture all of Evan's precious moments. And I tell you...this is a doozie!

Unfortunately, I filmed it wrong again. But it is the dialogue that is so funny anyway.

Here is what he is saying:

Please could you give me peace?
(Quietly)Thank you God for peace.
(Loudly)GIVE ME!!

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