AquaPoppy Designs

25 August 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Nana bought Evan a kite and he just was absolutely beside himself waiting to try it out. I was a little (lot)nervous to take him by myself since I have NEVER had good luck kite flying and it just seemed like a bad idea to take the kids to the park running amuck while I was thoroughly humiliating myself. I thought it would be more fun to go as a family anyway. A good idea because Matt had it up in the air in less than five seconds. And it just so happened we picked the perfect day to go kite flying!

23 August 2009

It's all fun and games...

Until the baby starts eating the play dough!

22 August 2009

It Isn't A Pretty Sight...

But this girl takes her eating very, very seriously.

21 August 2009

Fancy Moves

Don't worry...she was completely supervised!!

16 August 2009

It is Hot!!

We were at Grandma's house today and it was just too hot. I stripped the kids down to their undies (or diaper!) and let them play with the water hose. They had so much fun!!

Oh and I almost forgot! Someone decided to take a little stroll across the yard...

Why is it sideways???

15 August 2009

Holy Batman

I've been silly stringed!!

13 August 2009

12 August 2009

So Proud

of her new personalized hat!!!

10 August 2009

A Kind Heart

Today, Evan caught a frog. Actually, Dad caught the frog. Evan studied the little guy for a few minutes and then let him go. He told me he just couldn't keep the frog from his family. What a sweetheart!

Diego Is On A Mission

If you haven't been able to tell, Evan's favorite thing to play is dress up and pretend. And his favorite people to be are Batman and Diego. You give him some sort of prop and he can entertain himself for hours. Seriously.

Today his backpack became his rescue pack and he was off saving a maned wolf. And Alicia (aka Mom) and Baby Jaguar (aka Libby) were there to help.

08 August 2009

Guess Who...

joined us at the park today??

07 August 2009

Kung Fu

OK, I did not even know this video existed but it is hilarious. And just a disclaimer, I did not dress my child like this. I don't know which of the men in this household is responsible but this definitely is the work of a man.

And this picture?? What is going on here? I know it isn't great quality but I am just mesmerized. Is he busting a move or squashing a bug?

05 August 2009

I Think She Likes It...

and unfortunately it is the Real Thing. It's a coke. I hope that doesn't earn me the bad mom of the year award.

04 August 2009

I Can't Believe It!!!

My baby is one!!

We started the day by heading to Tulsa for Evan's appointment at the allergist. Since it is out South, we went ahead and went on to Sapulpa.

Grandma's crepe myrtles were just absolutely gorgeous this week so we tried to get a few pictures of the kids to mark the special occasion. It wasn't happening...

Nana showed up with cupcakes to commemorate the big day and this girl knew exactly what to do with hers...

And this video. All I can say is this is the perfect example of Libby with her food...
Sorry it is sideways...I can't figure out how to turn it!

And she got to open a few presents. Of course, big brother helped...

In honor of Libby's birthday, here are a few little tidbits about our little one:

~Even though Libby isn't walking, she is trying really hard. She also is loving her shoes and will try to put on any shoes she can get her little hands on.

~She is infatuated with climbing the stairs and I can not keep her away from them. We have put up a gate and she spends a large portion of her day hanging from the gate and moaning.

~Even though she loves all things girly, she also loves to play with cars, Batman and can hold her own in the sand box.

~Her little personality is really starting to shine. You can tell she is very bright...just in a different way than Evan. While Evan really studies things and won't do anything until he is positive he can do it, Libby stands back and watches for a minute and then she just jumps right in. She may not get it the first time but she keeps trying until she has got it. She is very determined and even more independent. She wants to feed herself and she is no longer interested in finger foods. She wants food and she wants to eat with a fork and a spoon. She is very social and even though she is a Mama's girl a lot of the time, there are many times she just has to have her Daddy. And she will love on just about anybody if they have food. Ha!

~Speaking of food, this little girl is first and foremost motivated by food. Her whole life seems to revolve around it. I have only found two things she won't eat: tomatoes and beef stroganoff. Asparagus, avacado, blackberries...really just about anything.

~She will say "mama", "dada", "hi" and "bye". And she reserves those for special occasions. But she can shake her head no and point with the best of them.

~She adores Evan but is starting to stand up for herself when he bothers her too much. She has bitten him a few times (and gotten in trouble for it) and hit him a few times (which I have kind of let slide since he actually deserved it).

~She is a bit of a drama queen. She will cry like her world is falling apart and then turn it off immediately (tears and all) if something distracts her.

~Libby loves to be the center of attention. The bigger the audience, the better. She doesn't seem to be shy at all. For this I am so thankful. I have always been very shy (it is getting better as I get older) and poor Evan is following in my footsteps. It has been very hard as a parent to watch him struggle with this because I know exactly how he feels. It is also very hard to encourage him to step outside his element knowing how terrified he is. So that Libby seems to be outgoing and very extroverted is such a relief.

~And lastly, this girl is fearless. This is hard for me as a parent also because I am so cautious...the farthest thing from a daredevil and Evan is a lot like me in this respect. It has been a real challenge knowing when to restrain Libby and when to encourage Evan.

~She is still a great sleeper. She takes two naps a day and then goes to sleep by 8pm and gets up each morning around 7:30pm!! So awesome!

So that is Libby in a nutshell...I can not wait to see what else she has in store for us!