AquaPoppy Designs

10 April 2009

Catasrophe Diversion

Ok...I probably should not have let my two year old watch this, but he adores Paula Deen and I knew he would think it was funny. We watched it several times and each viewing ended with Evan absolutely cracking up.

Fast forward a couple of days, I shopping, looking for a belt for Evan to wear with his Easter outfit. I finally found one for his little waist and when I got home, I had him try it on. His response? "Thank you so much Mom! Now my pants won't fall down like Paula Deen's!"

It is now a non-negotiable addition to his wardrobe. And I think it is a precious insight into his mind. I was trying to help him look spiffy but he was thanking me from saving him from a potential embarrassment.

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